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salesforce Kanban Task Manager

We’re excited to present to you our latest product,  Kanban Task Manager!

The Kanban Task Manager is a visual, interactive and modern way to interact with your tasks in

Visualize your workflow
Whether within a given record, or on our custom tab, you can see all relevant tasks in one, clean modern workflow

Drag-n-drop Interface
Not only can you visualize all of your relevant tasks, but you can quickly update the status or assign the task to another individual in a modern drag-n-drop interface.  Slide the task card over, and the status is updated!

Lightning Ready
Our component is future proof, working in both salesforce classic and Lightning-enabled salesforce orgs.


Interested in setting this up in your salesforce org?  Fill out to form to the right.

Want to see what else we’re up to?  Be sure to check out our products page!