and Salesforce IntegrationAs a business, you’re focused on streamlining and optimizing your business operations.  So likely, you would benefit from a way to easily exchange files between you and your customers and partners through with the added security of the platform.

With, the leading enterprise file exchange software and Salesforce as the leading customer success software, there is a clear need for the two to integrate nicely with one another, allowing for that easy file exchange dream to become reality.  However, as separate entities, when businesses use for file exchange with users through Salesforce, there is a tedious workflow of creating individual accounts, passwords, and wasted time on both ends … until now!


*Enter Eustace Consulting For Salesforce Communities* Our team has worked diligently to write a custom integration which allows businesses to upload and download files from users through their Salesforce Community Portal in an interface where the user never even knows is handling the file sharing.  Enjoy the file security and encryption provided by Box with the convience of communities



Interested in adding this integration to your business’s Salesforce Community Portal? Send us an inquiry and we would be happy to answer any questions you have!