If you’re a user of Salesforce.com Service Cloud, or just a long-time user of Salesforce, you’ll remember Salesforce Ideas.

Salesforce Ideas, or the Salesforce Idea Exchange, as it’s now called was a feature to allow your customers to come to your website, create new “Ideas” that they have for new functionality or features of your product or service.

These Ideas could then be:

  • Created by your customers
  • Voted Up or Down by your customers
  • Commented on by your customersAllowing them to have a voice into what is on your company’s roadmap.

Better still, internally, you can update the status of the Idea telling your customers that the product or solution was delivered!  Talk about a 2-way communication with your most important asset!

Since Salesforce Lightning, Salesforce does not support Ideas.  Luckily, we’ve implemented Ideas in Lightning for a number of clients that allow for them to still have the same functionality they used to, but now supported in Salesforce Experience Cloud Portals.

Looking for some advice on how to stand up Ideas on your company’s website?  Wish you had that functionality back?  Contact us, we’d love to discuss with you how we can help you overcome these challenges.