Having used salesforce for over 10 years, we’ve become accustomed to using salesforce the way it always has been.  We have clients ask us all the time “when should I switch to lightning?”  To be frank, the time is now.

We’ve been slowly adjusting over the last month from classic to lightning and now is the first time we can truly recommend it, assuming you are not using Product Schedules., as they are not yet supported in lightning, now is a good a time as any.  Previously, there were show stoppers such as the dreaded report bug, iffy performance, and unsupported features.

I often make the joke that I was so happy to get off that horribly addictive drug, Microsoft Outlook.  Using Outlook for many years in the client-server age trained me to work and think in a certain manner.  It wasn’t until I had fully transitioned that I saw all the benefits of moving to Google Apps.  It took me about a month to transition from Outlook to Google Apps, and the same is true from salesforce classic to lightning.  I’ve been splitting my time, but slowly transitioning, and finding the speed to be consistent enough, along with most features.

The biggest thing is the NEW features, especially announced at last week’s Dreamforce.  The biggest one we’ve seen is dynamic lightning pages.  This coupled with any Einstein functionality all are lightning only.  This will be a continuing trend that we will keep seeing as all new features will start to be lightning only.

Looking to make the switch and concerned?  We’ve got you covered.  You can embed visualforce pages in lightning pages, start teaching your development team to do a half-step and begin using the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) , or go full-tilt to true lightning components.

Want to discuss this further?  Hit us up via phone, EC Bot, or the form to your right!