Having integrated Stripe and Salesforce many times before, we recently came across a use case to integrate TaxJar and Salesforce Billing.

Salesforce Billing is an add-on package that inherits key records and information from Salesforce CPQ. After a sales rep finalizes a quote and orders it within Salesforce CPQ, Salesforce Billing picks up the order record for invoicing, payment, and revenue recognition.

While TaxJar does provide integrations with Salesforce, it is only currently working with Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and not with Salesforce Billing.

What our integration does is when Invoices are created, edited or posted, our integration pings the TaxJar API and properly calculates and logs the transaction with the correct tax amount.

Looking to integrate Salesforce Billing and TaxJar?  Looking for Salesforce CPQ assistance?
Contact us – we’d love to work with you.