Whether you've been using Accounting Seed for years, or you're new to the platform, it's awesome.  Not only are you performing all of your bookkeeping in Salesforce, you're automating all of your redundant tasks using the power of Salesforce.


Here's the rub - data storage in Salesforce is expensive.  With years of financial data and transactions, the data is adding up.

Accounting Seed does offer a solution - Archiving your old data


This is a good solution, but there are tradeoffs:

  • You will NOT be able to re-open an archived Accounting Period or make any changes to data for the period.
  • You will NOT be able to run reports on general ledger transaction detail using the Management Reporter (aka the Standard Salesforce Reporter), Dashboards or Ledger Inquiry tools.
  • Any custom fields you have created on the transaction object will NOT be archived. This data will be deleted.

Luckily, we have found a phenomenal solution that allows you to retain ALL of your old data, and get much more rich reporting from Accounting Seed.

Enter Grax.

Grax works by replicating all of your Salesforce data to cloud storage - Azure or Amazon Web Services.

Not only that, but the replication can happen as frequently as you'd like.  Imagine having a photographer taking a picture of ALL of your data in Salesforce and Accounting Seed every 10 minutes and allowing you to watch and report on that data over time.

Feel free to watch a demo of the tool here.

If you'd like a demo of Grax, or simply want to discuss it, feel free to fill out the form to the right.